
Safety & Security



  • 1)関係法令及び社内規定の遵守と安全最優先の原則
  • 2)安全マネジメント態勢の継続的改善
  • 3)海上における人命の安全
  • 4)船舶の安全運航
  • 5)環境の保護


  • ア)重大事故発生件数ゼロ : 2023年度 達成状況 ゼロ
  • イ)環境被害の事故件数ゼロ: 2023年度 達成状況 ゼロ


安全統括管理者: 専務執行役員 令和6年4月1日選任
運航管理者:   運航部 部長 令和3年7月1日選任


米国連邦法(Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act)により、米国に入出港する客船に乗船中の米国籍のお客様や乗組員が犯罪や失踪などに巻き込まれた場合、または米国領海内を通航・停泊中に米国籍以外のお客様や乗組員が、同様の事件に巻き込まれた場合は、飛鳥IIの船籍国である日本の捜査当局に加え、アメリカの捜査当局にも報告することが義務化されました。

お客様におかれましては、これらの事件を発見された際には、速やかに飛鳥II乗組員にご連絡いただきますようお願い申し上げます。 また、お客様ご自身で直接、米国連邦捜査局や米国沿岸警備隊にご連絡いただくことも可能です。 詳細につきましてはこちらのThe Passenger Security Information Guideをご覧ください。


US CoastGuard-Cruise Line Incident Reporting Statistics

Security Notice to Our Guests who are United States Nationals

The Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act requires cruise lines which operate in United States waters to make a Security Guide available to guests. This Security Guide is provided pursuant to that United States law.

Should you become aware of someone being injured or of unsafe or possibly illegal behavior during the voyage,  it is very important that you immediately report this to the ship’s management.

According to United States federal law, on international voyages that embark or debark in the United States, Cruise Company is required to report onboard felonies and missing United States nationals to federal agencies. For a missing United States national and all serious felonies the incident must be reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and United States Coast Guard (USCG) as soon as possible. These requirements apply to onboard incidents that occur while the ship is in United States territorial waters, or on the high seas or in foreign waters if the victim or perpetrator is a United States national.

United States law also requires us to provide you the following information. For cruises embarking or debarking in the United States, you may independently contact the FBI or USCG for incidents arising any time during the voyage. For incidents within state or foreign waters or ports you may, in addition, contact local law enforcement authorities.

The details are shown on The Passenger Security Information Guide.

The statistics on following website represent allegations of crime, and will include an allegation even if the investigation by law enforcement found it to be untrue. US CoastGuard-Cruise Line Incident Reporting Statistics


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